Ongoing WMS Connector

seuraavan mukaan: Golden EDI AB

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Connection to Ongoing Warehouse powered by Golden EDI

Are you a logistics-intensive company in need of a powerful WMS solution? Would you like to significantly optimize your warehouse processes? Seamlessly connect Ongoing WMS to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central via Golden EDI. Increase the efficiency in your warehouse or outsource the warehousing to one of the third-party logistics providers using Ongoing WMS.

Starting your business, you might be able to run all your IT processes within Dynamics 365 Business Central and its built-in WMS modules. However, once your business takes off and the processes become complex, you will find the Business Central WMS features too basic and standardized for your new needs. In this case, a powerful WMS solution can truly become a notable change for your logistics efficiency.

We will help you grow your business without you outgrowing Ongoing WMS. Seamlessly connect Ongoing WMS with Dynamics 365 Business Central along with other integrations connected to our extensive ecosystem. Receive expert Logistics support, a software designed for warehouse workers and warehouse processes optimized for your customers. Collect data from the entire process and continuously improve your efficiency. With Ongoing WMS, you separate the warehouse from other parts of your business so that you can put full focus on sales.

  • Grow with your warehouse: An extensive range of features to adapt the process to your specific warehousing needs. The larger your warehouse grows, the more processes you need. By using a dedicated WMS, you can create dedicated processes for your diverse types of customers and orders.
  • Get expert support: You can expect high-quality support from our developers who are all experts in the product.
  • A WMS designed for warehouse workers: Ongoing WMS focuses on the warehouse processes, has its master UI, but also complements that UI with a handheld barcode scanning interface.
  • Separate your concern: The warehouse workers will work only in Ongoing WMS while personnel outside of the warehouse will work in Business Central. This allows for a natural division of processes tailored to your different tasks.
  • Print smart and efficiently: Create a warehouse without unnecessary printing and where everything is available on mobile devices through the cloud.
  • Collect data for continuous improvements: Utilizing your mobile device in the warehouse and performing all the tasks on it registers who, when, and what happened so that you continuously can improve your processes.

The app is powered by the Golden EDI Integration Platform which opens the possibility to solve all your integration needs. Through Golden EDI, you can reach other platforms and services, as necessary. E.g., connect your company group with Golden EDI Inter Company, send invoices to your customers, send orders to your suppliers, and much more, all through Golden EDI.

Read more here.

Supported Editions: This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Countries: Sweden, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, France, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Austria, Singapore, Spain, Iceland, Italy, Canada, Switzerland, Hungary

Languages: Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish

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